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New Zealand

New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/ Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. In Maori, New Zealand has come to be known as Aotearoa , which is usually translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud . The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand"s territorial claim in Antarctica). New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometres (1250 miles) across. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.

The population is mostly of European descent, with the indigenous Maori being the largest minority. Non-Maori Polynesian and Asian people are also significant minorities, especially in the cities. Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the Head of State and, in her absence, is represented by a non-partisan Governor-General. The Queen "reigns but does not rule"; she has no real political influence. Her position is largely symbolic. Political power is held by the democratically-elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister, who is the Head of Government.

New Zealand comprises two main islands (called the North and South Islands in English, Te- Ika -a-Maui and Te Wai Pounamu in Maori) and a number of smaller islands located near the center of the water hemisphere. The total land area, 268,680 square kilometres (103,738 sq mi), is a little less than that of Italy and Japan, and a little more than the United Kingdom. The country extends more than 1600 kilometres (1000 miles) along its main, north-north-east axis, with approximately 15,134 km of coastline. The most significant of the smaller inhabited islands include Stewart Island/ Rakiura ; Waiheke Island, in Auckland"s Hauraki Gulf; Great Barrier Island, east of the Hauraki Gulf; and the Chatham Islands, named Rekohu by Moriori. The country has extensive marine resources, with the seventh-largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, covering over four million square kilometres (1.5 million sq mi), more than 15 times its land area.

The South Island is the largest land mass of New Zealand, and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps, the highest peak of which is Aoraki/Mount Cook at 3754 metres (12,316 ft). There are eighteen peaks over 3000 metres (9800 ft) in the South Island. The North Island is less mountainous than the South, but is marked by volcanism. The highest North Island mountain, Mount Ruapehu (2797 m / 9176 ft), is an active cone volcano. The dramatic and varied landscape of New Zealand has made it a popular location for the production of television programmes and films, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Last Samurai and the Power Rangers series.

Because of its long isolation from the rest of the world and its island biogeography, New Zealand has extraordinary flora and fauna. About 80% of the flora in New Zealand occurs only in New Zealand, including more than 40 endemic genera. The two main types of forest are those dominated by podocarps and/or the giant kauri, and in cooler climates the southern beech. The remaining vegetation types in New Zealand are grasslands of tussock and other grasses, usually in sub-alpine areas, and the low shrublands between grasslands and forests.

Until the arrival of humans, 80% of the land was forested. Until 2006, it was thought, barring three species of bat (one now extinct), there were no non-marine native mammals. However, in 2006, scientists discovered bones that belonged to a long-extinct, unique, mouse-sized land animal in the Otago region of the South Island. New Zealand"s forests were inhabited by a diverse range of megafauna, including the flightless birds moa (now extinct), and the kiwi, kakapo and takahe, all endangered by human actions. Unique birds capable of flight include the Haast"s eagle, which was the world"s largest bird of prey (now extinct), and the large kaka and kea parrots. Reptiles present in New Zealand include skinks, geckos and living fossil tuatara. There are four endemic species of primitive frogs. There are no snakes and there is only one venomous spider, the katipo, which is rare and restricted to coastal regions. However, there are many endemic species of insects, including the weta, one species of which may grow as large as a house mouse and is the heaviest insect in the world.

New Zealand has led the world in island restoration projects where offshore islands are cleared of introduced mammalian pests and native species are reintroduced. Several islands located near to the three main islands are wildlife reserves where common pests such as possums and rodents have been eradicated to allow the reintroduction of endangered species to the islands. A more recent development is the mainland ecological island.

Sport has a major role in New Zealand"s culture; this is particularly the case with rugby union. Other popular sports include cricket, netball, basketball, lawn bowling, soccer and rugby league. Also popular are golf, tennis, cycling, field hockey, skiing, snowboarding, softball (Men"s International Softball Federation World Champions, 1996, 2000, 2004) and a variety of water sports, particularly surfing, sailing, whitewater kayaking, surf lifesaving skills and rowing. In the latter, New Zealand enjoyed an extraordinary magic 45 minutes when winning four successive gold medals at the 2005 world championships. The country is internationally recognised for performing well on a medals-to-population ratio at Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games. Equestrian sportsmen and sportswomen make their mark in the world, with Mark Todd being chosen international "Horseman of the Century". Other internationally famous New Zealand sportspeople include cricket player Sir Richard Hadlee, rugby player Jonah Lomu, sailor Sir Peter Blake and 2005 US Open golf tournament winner Michael Campbell.

Rugby union is closely linked to New Zealand"s national identity. The national rugby team, the All Blacks, has the best record of any national team. They hosted and won the inaugural Rugby World Cup in 1987, and will host the 2011 Rugby World Cup. The haka, a traditional Maori challenge, is traditionally performed by the All Blacks before the start of international matches.

Cricket is regarded as New Zealand"s main summer sport, and the New Zealand cricket team (known as "The Black Caps") usually ranks in the top four teams in the world in both test cricket and the shorter one day forms of the game. Netball is New Zealand"s most prominent women"s sport, and the New Zealand national team, the Silver Ferns, have been world champions on several occasions. New Zealand is one of the leading nations in world yachting, especially open-water long-distance or round-the-world races. In inshore yachting, Team New Zealand won the America"s Cup regatta in 1995 and successfully defended it in 2000.

New Zealand is regarded by some as a haven for extreme sports and adventure tourism. Its reputation in extreme sports extends from the establishment of the world"s first commercial bungee jumping operation in Auckland in 1986; its roots in adventure tourism can be traced all the way back to Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1953.

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New Zealand (the Land of the Long White Cloud)

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The country was named New Zealand after the Dutch province of Zeeland which means “Sea Land” in Dutch. New Zealand has another name, Aotearoa, which means “the land of the Long white cloud” in the Maori language.

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When the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman came to New Zealand in 1642, Maori warriors fought off his sailors and he was unable to land.
The first Maori settled in New Zealand about a thousand years ago. They came from Polynesia and were excellent sailors and fierce warriors.
In 1769, the British explorer James Cook"s claimed New Zealand for Britain.

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The flag of New Zealand has the Union Jack in the top left-hand corner and the four-star Southern cross in the right half. On the blue state flag the stars are red, outlined in white.

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The Coat of Arms of New Zealand is the official symbol of New Zealand. The shield is supported by two figures, a blonde Pākehā (European) woman holding the New Zealand flag, and a Māori warrior holding a taiaha (Māori staff). The shield is topped with the St Edward’s Crown, and beneath the shield are two silver fern leaves and a scroll bearing the words "New Zealand".
Coat of arms

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God of Nations at Thy feet, In the bonds of love we meet, Hear our voices, we entreat, God defend our free land. Guard Pacific"s triple star From the shafts of strife and war, Make her praises heard afar, God defend New Zealand. Men of every creed and race, Gather here before Thy face, Asking Thee to bless this place, God defend our free land. From dissension, envy, hate, And corruption guard our state, Make our country good and great, God defend New Zealand. Peace, not war, shall be our boast, But, should foes assail our coast, Make us then a mighty host, God defend our free land.
National Anthem
Lord of battles in Thy might, Put our enemies to flight, Let our cause be just and right, God defend New Zealand. Let our love for Thee increase, May Thy blessings never cease, Give us plenty, give us peace, God defend our free land. From dishonour and from shame, Guard our country"s spotless name, Crown her with immortal fame, God defend New Zealand. May our mountains ever be Freedom"s ramparts on the sea, Make us faithful unto Thee, God defend our free land. Guide her in the nations" van, Preaching love and truth to man, Working out Thy glorious plan, God defend New Zealand.
God defend New Zealand

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The head of State is Queen Elizabeth II represented by the Governor-General.
Sir Anand Satyanand, Governor-General
John Key, the Prime Minister is the Head of Government.
It is a constitutional monarchy, an independent state within the Commonwealth.

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The country is situated to the south-east of Australia. It consists of three large islands, called North Island, South Island and Steward Island, and also many small islands.
The Cook Strait separates the main North and South islands. The Tasman Sea separates New Zealand from Australia.
The total land area is 268,021 km²

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Mount Cook (Aoraki) is the highest (3,754 m) peak .
New Zealand is a mountainous country. The highest New Zealand mountains are the Southern Alps. They lie near the west coast of South Island. The mountains in North Island are not so high and are mostly forest covered.

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The climate is pleasant in all seasons, without much difference between winter and summer. It is never very hot or very cold in New Zealand because it is surrounded by water.

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New Zealand is a land of volcanoes. Most of them are sleeping, but some are active and you can see steam and smoke coming from them.
The hot water lakes in Rotorua are of extraordinary colours: yellow, green and even orange. Here steam and hot water explode out of the hot ground.
There are pools of natural hot water where you can swim.

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The isolation of New Zealand from other lands allowed the survival of animals and plants from the time of the dinosaurs.
New Zealand is the only place in the whole world where Tuatara can be found in the wild. Its relatives were dinosaurs.

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Tane Mahuta
The beautiful pohutukawa tree has red flowers at Christmas, and people call it “ the New Zealand Christmas tree.” It is a symbol of the country. The ancient silver fern can be found only in New Zealand. It can be 10 meters high or more. Kiwifruit, the brown furry fruit with green flesh , is grown in here too.
The oldest tree in the country is Tane Mahuta. It is a Maori name which means “Lord of theForest.” It is between 1250 and 2500 years old.

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New Zealand has three official languages:  New Zealand English (spoken by 3,673,623 people)  Te Reo Māori (the Māori language) (spoken by 157,110 people)  New Zealand Sign Language (spoken by 24,090 people)

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The Māori, a Polynesian native people, are the aborigines of New Zealand. They lived in New Zealand hundreds of years before the white man came. For many years the Māori people have been fighting for their rights.

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waka taua
wood carving
Beautiful carvings, artwork, music, dance and traditional buildings all from part of the Maori heritage. The Maori had no written language, so all their traditions were handed down orally. They used songs and carvings to tell stories from the past that held lessons for the young.
Traditionally, Maori people had tattoos (known as “moko”) on the faces and bodies. Men usually had full-faced tattoos, women had moko on their chins and noses.

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City Population
Auckland 1,354,900
Christchurch 390,300
Wellington 389,700
Hamilton 171,600
Napier-Hastings Urban Area 124,400
Tauranga 120,000
Dunedin 116,600
Palmerston North 81,600
Nelson 59,800
Rotorua 55,900
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. The main cities of are Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Auckland.
The population of New Zealand is over 3 million people.

New Zealand is a very interesting country. It has got a total area of square kilometers. Новая Зеландия – очень интересная страна. Ее общая площадь составляет квадратных километров.

Two main islands It is situated to the south- east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main islands(North Island and South Island) and some smaller ones. Она расположена на юго - востоке от Австралии в Тихом океане. Она состоит из двух основных островов (Северный остров и Южный остров) и нескольких более мелких.

The capital The capital of New Zealand Island is Wellington. It is a financial centre too. The city was founded in 1840 and has been the capital since Столица Новой Зеландии - Веллингтон. Это также финансовый центр. Город был основан в 1840 году и является столицей с 1865 года.

Major industry New Zealand is rich in minerals. There are some major industries in the country, for example, iron and steel industry. The country has gas and petroleum. Новая Зеландия богата полезными ископаемыми. Основная отрасль промышленности – металлургическая. В стране есть газ и нефть.

Mountains There are many mountains in New Zealand. The highest is Mount Cook (3.764 meters or feet). В Новой Зеландии много гор. Самая высокая – Гора Кука. Ее высота составляет метра или футов.

Rivers and lakes There are many rivers and lakes in the country. The chief river is the Waikato. Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand. В стране много рек и озер. Основная река – Уаикато. Озеро Таупо является самым большим озером Новой Зеландии.

Kiwi This interesting bird lives in the wet pats of the thick bushes. In the day-time the bird does not go out. It comes out only at night to find food. Kiwis cannot fly. Эта интересная птица живет в мокрых густых кустах. В дневное время птица не выходит на улицу. Она выходит только ночью, чтобы найти пищу. Киви не умеют летать.

Kiwi Many years ago kiwis were hunted for food. Now the government does not permit the hunting of kiwis. The kiwi is now the symbol of New Zealand people. Small children are often called kiwis. Много лет назад на киви охотились для пищи. Теперь правительство не разрешает охоту на этих птиц. Киви теперь является символом Новой Зеландии. Маленьких детей часто называют киви.

Independent state New Zealand is an independent state, yet formerly it was a part of the British Empire. The head of the state is the Queen. New Zealand is a self-governing state. Новая Зеландия является независимым государством, но ранее она входила в состав Британской империи. Главой государства является Королева. Новая Зеландия - самоуправляемое государство.

Industry New Zealand has got heavy industry. There are many plants in the country. Paper and rubber industries are developed too. New Zealand exports wool, meat, butter. В Новой Зеландии есть тяжелая промышленность. В стране имеется много заводов. Также развиты бумажная и резиновая отрасли. Новая Зеландия экспортирует шерсть, мясо, масло.

Big cities There are some big cities as Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson. Auckland and Wellington are the main ports of the country. Крупными городами страны являются Окленд, Веллингтон, Крайстчерч, Данидин, Нельсон. Окленд и Веллингтон являются основными портами страны.

Educational and cultural institutions There are educational and cultural institutions in Wellington. They are the University of New Zealand, Victoria University College and others. Victoria University was established in В Веллингтоне есть образовательные и культурные учреждения. Это Университет Новой Зеландии, Университетский Колледж Виктория и другие. Университет Виктории был создан в 1897 году.

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Подписи к слайдам:

New Zealand

New Zealand New Zealand is a very interesting country. It has got a total area of 269.000 square kilometers. Новая Зеландия – очень интересная страна. Ее общая площадь составляет 269.000 квадратных километров.

Two main islands It is situated to the south-east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main islands(North Island and South Island) and some smaller ones. Она расположена на юго - востоке от Австралии в Тихом океане. Она состоит из двух основных островов (Северный остров и Южный остров) и нескольких более мелких.

Population Nearly 3.5 million people live in the country. В стране проживает около 3.5 миллионов человек.

The capital The capital of New Zealand Island is Wellington. It is a financial centre too. The city was founded in 1840 and has been the capital since 1865. Столица Новой Зеландии - Веллингтон. Это также финансовый центр. Город был основан в 1840 году и является столицей с 1865 года.

Official language The official language is English. Официальный язык – английский.

Climate The climate of New Zealand is moist. Климат в Новой Зеландии влажный.

Major industry New Zealand is rich in minerals. There are some major industries in the country, for example, iron and steel industry. The country has gas and petroleum. Новая Зеландия богата полезными ископаемыми. Основная отрасль промышленности – металлургическая. В стране есть газ и нефть.

Mountains There are many mountains in New Zealand. The highest is Mount Cook (3.764 meters or 12.349 feet). В Новой Зеландии много гор. Самая высокая – Гора Кука. Ее высота составляет 3.764 метра или 12.349 футов.

Rivers and lakes There are many rivers and lakes in the country. The chief river is the Waikato. Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand. В стране много рек и озер. Основная река – Уаикато. Озеро Таупо является самым большим озером Новой Зеландии.

Animals and birds Have you heard about the native animals and birds of the country ? One of them is the kiwi. Вы слышали о местных животных и птицах страны? Одним из них является киви.

Kiwi This interesting bird lives in the wet pats of the thick bushes. In the day-time the bird does not go out. It comes out only at night to find food. Kiwis cannot fly. Эта интересная птица живет в мокрых густых кустах. В дневное время птица не выходит на улицу. Она выходит только ночью, чтобы найти пищу. Киви не умеют летать.

Kiwi Many years ago kiwis were hunted for food. Now the government does not permit the hunting of kiwis. The kiwi is now the symbol of New Zealand people. Small children are often called kiwis. Много лет назад на киви охотились для пищи. Теперь правительство не разрешает охоту на этих птиц. Киви теперь является символом Новой Зеландии. Маленьких детей часто называют киви.

Independent state New Zealand is an independent state, yet formerly it was a part of the British Empire. The head of the state is the Queen. New Zealand is a self-governing state. Новая Зеландия является независимым государством, но ранее она входила в состав Британской империи. Главой государства является Королева. Новая Зеландия - самоуправляемое государство.

Parliament The Parliament consists of one House only, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is the head of the government. Парламент состоит только из одной палаты - Палаты представителей. Премьер-министр является главой правительства.

Industry New Zealand has got heavy industry. There are many plants in the country. Paper and rubber industries are developed too. New Zealand exports wool, meat, butter. В Новой Зеландии есть тяжелая промышленность. В стране имеется много заводов. Также развиты бумажная и резиновая отрасли. Новая Зеландия экспортирует шерсть, мясо, масло.

Big cities There are some big cities as Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson. Auckland and Wellington are the main ports of the country. Крупными городами страны являются Окленд, Веллингтон, Крайстчерч, Данидин, Нельсон. Окленд и Веллингтон являются основными портами страны.

Educational and cultural institutions There are educational and cultural institutions in Wellington. They are the University of New Zealand, Victoria University College and others. Victoria University was established in 1897. В Веллингтоне есть образовательные и культурные учреждения. Это Университет Новой Зеландии, Университетский Колледж Виктория и другие. Университет Виктории был создан в 1897 году.

New Zealand New Zealand is a very interesting and beautiful country. Новая Зеландия очень интересная и красивая страна.

Презентацию подготовила Сироштанова Е.А., МБОУ СОШ № 76, п. Гигант 2014 год

Слайд 2

FULL COUNTRY NAME: New Zealand CAPITAL: Wellington POPULATION: 4,184,521 people PEOPLE: 88% Europeans, 12% Maori LANGUAGES: English and Maori RELIGION: Christian (81%) HEAD OF STATE: Queen Elizabeth II FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Constitutional monarchy LONGEST RIVER: Waikato LARGEST LAKE: Taupo HIGHEST POINT: Mount Cook MAJOR INDUSTRIES: wood and paper products, wool, textile, iron, steel CURRENCY: NZ dollar NATIONAL SYMBOLS: Kiwi Some facts

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New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands – the North Island and the South Island – and numerous smaller islands. New Zealand is separated from Australia. Its closest neighborhood to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.

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The Flag of New Zealand is a blue ensign with the Union Flag , and four red stars with white borders to the right.

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The kiwi bird was named so for the sound of its chirp. This flightless bird has an long beak and plumage more like hair than feathers. It weights about 2 kg. The dollar coin features a kiwi bird on one side. National Emblem

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The first settlers of New Zealand were Eastern Polynesians. Over the few centuries these settlers developed into a distinct culture now known as Māori.

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New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Elizabeth II is Queen of New Zealand. New Zealand is the only country in the world in which all the highest offices in the land have been occupied simultaneously by women.

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The Maoriare the indigenous people of New Zealand. It is believed that the Maori migrated from Polynesia . The Maoris lived in tribes called ‘iwi’. They lived in villages and were fishermen and hunters. The present Maori population has increased and the Maori live in all parts of New Zealand Maori

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The North Island is one of the two main islands of New Zealand. Approximately 76% of New Zealand"s population lives in the North Island. North Island

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The South Island is the larger of the two major islands of New Zealand. Along its west coast runs the mountain chain of the Southern Alps South Island

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Christchurch is the The largest city in the South Island. The city is named after the Christ Church cathedral Museum Christchurch

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Stewart Island is a very special place. The only town is Oban. It is a heaven for native birds’ life. The kiwi is common over much of the island, particularly around beaches. The weather is changeable on the island. Stewart Island

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There are some 70 species of birds found nowhere else in the world. New Zealand is also home to many seabirds including the Albatross, which has the longest wing span of any bird in the world. The most spectacular of all New Zealand birds was the Moa. Some Moa"s reached heights of 15 feet, making them the tallest bird in the world. Weka Moa Kakapo Takahe Birds Moa
